Elisabetta Duò Lawyer


Elisabetta Duò graduated, with maximum marks, from the Liceo Ginnasio statale Andrea D'Oria. She received her Hons. Degree from the University of Genova with her thesis in Civil Law “L'informazione precontrattuale tra codice civile e leggi speciali” (Pre-contractual information in the Civil Law and special laws), which was published.
Immediately after her degree she worked for a well know legal firm in Genova developing her skills mainly in Civil Law, Commercial Law and in European Community Law.

From December 2006, she joined Lovisolo & Partners, where she deals with private and company cases, Maritime and Land Transport, Company Law and Bankruptcy Law, Consumer’s Rights, Civil and Commercial Contracts.

Elisabetta Duò also assists important companies operating in the finance field.

She was called to the Bar of Genova in 2008.

In 2009 / 2010, Elisabetta Duò partecipated in a highly specialized training course intitoled “Profili normativi del credito al consumo, aspetti giuridici ed etici” (Law regarding consumer credit, giuridical and ethical aspects) organized by the Unione Finanziarie Italiane (one of the most important associations in consumer credit matters) in collaboration with Pontificia Università Lateranense in Rome.

Languages: Italian & English

Elisabetta Duò Lawyer